Max had zero concern but was curious about lots of flashing lights that wasn't Ma's camera!! Hey wait a minute...usually flashing lights mean it's all about me?!! I'm confused!!! |
On our way home last Saturday from that lovely McKinney Falls State Park there is this realllllly long, flat stretch of Hwy 71 where you can see for miles!!! All the sudden, thank Dog that Ma had looked in her rear view mirror or she might have gotten hit by the whizzing cop car with this lights and siren on but who was easily going 100 MPH so not much time to hear the sirens before he was behind me! Max was yappin' see Ma, told you not to speed! But no...wasn't pulling me over for sure...just hurry and get out of his way!! Soon after about 10-12 more cop cars whizzed by us but we couldn't see anything up ahead...then the helicopters started overhead! We were a bit concerned of what in the world was going on in front of us!! Then my son took the photo below as we passed by the incredible scene as the police were removing the spike strips they had along the highway...
Man hijacks CapMetro bus, leads 30-mile police chase
A man hijacked bus and led police on a 30-mile chase from a neighborhood in Southeast Austin all the way to Bastrop on Saturday evening.
Police said they've never seen anything like it.
"We have questions that need to be answered,” said Austin Police Senior Officer Jermaine Kilgore. “What's going on with this guy? What made him do what he did today?"
Austin police said the suspect boarded the bus in the 8000 block of Thaxton Road. He was armed with a hand gun.
"He presented the weapon, took custody of the bus, ordered the bus operator as well as all of the passengers off the bus, took the bus and started driving east," Kilgore said.
Eventually, officers from Austin, Travis County, Bastrop and the Department of Public Safety caught up.
They chased the bus all the way to the parking lot of the Auto Zone store off Highway 71 in Bastrop. Police had to use spike strips to take out the wheels of the bus.
"We had to make sure he wasn't going to hurt anyone else, so we had to take action and unfortunately it ended this way," Kilgore said.
Police say the man shot himself. He was pronounced dead at the scene.
Dan Dawson, a spokesman for Capitol Metro, said it's fortunate no one else was hurt.
"The driver's first priority is always to take care of the passengers,” Dawson said. “So I'm sure the driver did everything he could to make sure the passengers were safe."
Police questioned the driver and passengers Saturday. The first step in figuring out why the man would hijacked the bus and ended his life in violence.
Police say no other shots were fired. They have not yet released the suspect's identity. Cap Metro said it will review its bus security policies as a precaution.
We had no idea what had happened until later that evening - so glad none of the passengers were hurt! Always an adventure whenever I have Bog Brother in the car it seems! Strange things always seem to happen when we have Big Brother with us on an adventure but then with Big Sister, when she's with us is when we get seated or are near the crazy people. Just an observation that we've all made throughout the years. Does that seem to happen to you when you are hanging out with one particular person??
Big Brother is not good with the camera, good thing he's fun to be around! |
Our sweet friend Leah over at Kirby's Dawg Blog gave us this award, at first I thought maybe I shouldn't receive it since we use Blogger and this is Wordpress. but then I said, what the heck, Leah is my buddy and I also have lots of other buddies on Wordpress so yea, we are gonna participate!! If you haven't met Leah and Kirby you HAVE to go to their site!!! She does fantastic videos, has contests and is just all around fun! Thanks Leah!!
The following rules go with the award
1. Display the award logo on your blog
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. Nominate 10 other you see as having an inpact on your wordpress experience and family.
4. Let your 10 Family members know you have awarded them.
5. That's it. Just please pick 10 people that have taken you as a friend and spread the love.
Here's our 10 picks in no particular order,(I tried to pick Wordpress users but wasn't 100% sure if you all are or not but even if you aren't I bet you are like me and have Wordpress buddies):
1.Bongo Dog Blog
2.EasyRider the Weimaraner
3.The Thundering Herd
4.Wag The Dog UK
5.My Brown Newfies
6.Terrier Torrent
7.Adventures of a Dog Mom
8.Life asAlfie
9.Something Wagging This Way
10.Mollie & Alfie